I came across [url=http://geekhack.org/index.php?topic=53565.0]this thread[/url] on the geekhack forums today.
I'd never really thought about it until now but it makes a lot of sense to use ESDF instead of WASD.
ESDF allows you to reach more keys and you don't need to move your hand to type something in chat.
The [i]other[/i] poll option is for people who use neither WASD or ESDF. I know some lefties use IJKL or other keys in that area.
Then there're people like this guy.
[quote]a buddy of mine has been using a really wacky control scheme since quake 3, when he and a friend of his tried to make the most efficient setup for the game.
i'd have to ask him what everything was, but it was along the lines of:
move forward- left mouse
move backwards - right mouse
strafe left - z
strafe right - x
shoot - shift
ads - a (or in the area)[/quote]
What control scheme do you guys use when gaming?