You can find sauces all over that thread, the gaming media is trying to cover up the fact that these files were in the game.
The E3 2012 graphics were there the whole time. In the game's files.
You literally just have to change a few zeroes to ones and BAM! E3 2012 graphics.
Ubisoft INTENTIONALLY turned down the graphics on the PC version to make the console versions more appealing!
Did this guy really link to a 4chan thread? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Good. I applaud Ubisoft in their attempts to bring down the egos of the PC fanboys. Their platform doesn't look so good now.
I could tell if watch dogs even loaded anymore
Internet blowing things way out of proportion and starting rumors yet again. Wait for Ubisofts response at least, before spewing random garbage like "Its intentionally toned down to make consoles better!!111!!! PC master raceee!!" If tha'ts the truth I'd be angry too but no need to start a lynch mob over a video game.
4 chan we don't like to talk about 4 chan.
Edited by Rothnihalias: 6/17/2014 2:31:11 AM
Started a new topic: Watch Dogs E3 graphics are an option in the ini files(6 Replies))
"But consoles aren't holding back progress, guys!"
[quote]I think this conspiracy theory is a great example of how the /v/ hivemind is alive and well. I mean think about it. Some random modder posts some scary looking images and starts talking out his ass about how [insert game dev here] did something evil. /v/ eats it up, it spreads like wildfire, and no one even dares question the legitimacy of the claim for fear of being accused of shilling. Is /v/'s standard of evidence really THAT low ? I mean, come on. This is textbook paranoia.[/quote]Exactly my thoughts. /v/ is a HORRID shithole that should be purged from the internet, the rotten filth-hole that it is. Their opinions are based on an autistic hive-mind of lunacy, anti-sociability, and pure nonsense. The people who go there only go there because, one, they agree with at least one of the /v/-centric opinions (whether it's stupid or not), or two, they're basement-dwelling aspergerkings who cannot socially interact with the outside world, and thus attach to things like anime and anti-social beliefs like Nazism and homophobia. I disregard everything that comes from this hellhole. If I see proof of this Watch Dogs shit, I will accept it, but being called a shill for questioning the lack of evidence isn't going to make me believe shit.
Edited by GiantDad: 6/17/2014 11:33:32 AMNothing new here.
They had to find someway to make the "PS4/Xbone looks as good as Ultra PC settings" statements true.
I think it's safe to say that Ubisoft is slowly becoming as shitty as the likes of EA and Activision.
Edited by Gibsonsg527: 6/17/2014 7:37:07 AMI always amazes me that these gaming companies think that they can just hide these files within the game and time and time again someone finds them, are they really that stupid?
Edited by Friendlystu: 6/16/2014 9:25:23 PMSo how many Pegs have ubisoft been torn down now?
I just installed it. My game actually runs better, more npcs, better lighting etc. One thing to note though is the DOF is set to blur waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too close, things get blurry at about 30 metres on foot for some reason. Driving seems fine though.
What disgusts me is how people are actually [i]defending[/i] Ubisoft. Some people are pathetic...
I wonder what the actual reason for this is. Is it due to time constraints? Is it due to being shitty and putting money first? Is it to make it look not that different from the console version?
It looks great on the Xbox One. What's the issue?
I got it. Looks great now. Runs fine on just one 770. Now if only it the game wouldn't turn to shit when I use SLI. Or get in a vehicle ever.
Looks like Lonepaul is chasing after the thread.
Video for you all.
[url=]Here's a thread I made about the mod you can download to make it look like the E3 2012 build[/url]
Just some shit I managed to randomly grab from the thread:
Someone found this comment in the files
Getting some lighting bugs with headlights while driving. Otherwise the mod works great.