Dat choir theme song doe
They -blam!-ed up Stannis saving the Night's Watch. In the books, he had 10,000 men and managed to defeat 100,000 because he's such a talented battle commander. It was Stannis' moment of triumph in the books, made me fall in love with the character. "He reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my right. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been saving the kingdom to win the throne." The Night's Watch is on it's last legs, the wildlings are about to win and it looks hopeless until a horn blows and out of nowhere knights come charging on all sides; one kills a giant with a single thrust of his lance, and the horses sweep through the wildlings totally annihilating any chance they had of success. You're reading it like 'what, what's happening?' Then the men start chanting "Stannis! Stannis! STANNIS!" and I got chills reading it. Best moment in the books. In the show, it looked like 500 knights massacred about 75 wildlings while they were still eating breakfast. Biggest disappointment of the show so far for me, I'm totally gutted.