God, after 10 years of playing Halo on my Xbox and Xbox 360 all I can think is "Why, Bungie? Why are you -blam!-ing us all over with this PS4 business?". I've been a hardcore fan of the Xbox-exclusive Halo titles for the last [i]10 years[/i]. Why are the PS4 Destiny players getting the first Bungie-exclusive deal instead of us? After preordering my copy of Destiny on my Xbox One I was [b]SO EXCITED[/b] for more exclusive goodies for us, because I'm entitled to them!
Edited by DigiOps: 6/15/2014 6:14:06 AMJust when I thought we were over the timed exclusive business. #tardigradedontcare #dontbotherbecauseImmutingallthecomplainers #hashtagsarestupid