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6/14/2014 4:27:07 PM

Alpha - Pros + Cons (Quickie)

Cant help but notice all the attention seekers who want people to ask them questions and watch their livestreams. So here, I made a quick pros and cons list. (not very detailed but you will get the jist of it) Pros: -Glorious Character customization. Well, the Awoken and Humans are actually pretty darn ugly so that may be a con. -The Devils Lair, got 30 minutes free time? Join 2 other guardians in this wonderful adventure. -Loot !! -The Crucible! Its fun but its mostly warlocks using the shotgun + R1 tactic. But nonetheless, matchmaking is headed towards a glorious direction. -Glimmer, seems to be the ingame currency. -DANCING IN THE MAIN HUB. -SOCCER BALL. -The free roam exploration is alright, I haven't really encountered other players though so those public events can be pretty lame. -NO GUN RESTRICTIONS (I CAN WIELD WHATEVER I WANT NO MATTER WHAT CLASS I AM.) -Exploration feels limited atm, but everything looks so beautiful that I dont mind exploring. I found this level 16 Hive thing that slaughtered me with a battle axe. That was fun tho. Cons: -These spaceships of ours better have more use to it then driving a short distance to your next location. -The classes feel the same besides the super power. I mean, this isnt necessarily a bad thing. But so far I feel like im choosing my class soley on that. -Voice Acting is terrible. My little robot companion could use some work. -Free Roam Grinding. So far these free roam missions have been pretty meh, its really there for the xp and glimmer. THIS IS ALL SUBJECT TO CHANGE, ITS ALPHA AFTERALL. SO FAR, IM LOOKING FORWARD TO THE REST OF DESTINY.

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