I have no reason to come back to this website but i spend the majority of time here every night.
What sort of addictive hell hole is this place? Is it coated in cocaine? Please explain.
So basically, bnet resembles your addiction to cocain. Got it.
Just accept that its not your fault....its Obamas. Thanks Obama.
Cocaine's fine in moderation, I first started using it over a year ago and since then have done it maybe 3 times. Last time was 5 months ago. Addiction's a choice. But I've been coming here almost every day for 5 years, no big deal. Passes the time between other stuff I do.
Tell me about it, I usually hate social media. No Facebook, MySpace or Twitter accounts. Can 't get enough of B.net in recent months though. Sure there are a few dicks on b.net but there are lots of decent people here that actually have something stimulating to say.
I know right? It's the worst and most cancerous place outside of a nuclear reactor but I have nothing else to do with my life on summer break until it ends, so... ;__;
We're your family. You can't leave your family.