Watching MoreConsole swan dive into the ocean with his Shrike and blowing up made me go... BUNGIE!!! 500 million dollars and you couldn't rig a swimming animation?
But...has anyone gently walked out onto a beach and gone out past their heads yet?
Instanta death?
Or something ground breaking for them on not dying?
That's like the first thing I'm doing if I see a lake in the Alpha or Beta.
Considering you are in a presumably heavy suit of armor, I don't think it's too far fetched to assume deep water = trouble. I would like to see some vehicles that could hover over water, like the sparrow.
Swimming with shoes on is difficult enough. Imagine armor...
If anything they should work on their drowning animation.
Te watr is enfsted wid derknss!#
I really do hope they fix it.
Insta death! It's the edge I maps
Guess the armor is too heavy to swim.
But it could be for alpha purposes.... We will se at beta and launch ... Just don't get ur hopes up