Think about it.
PS4 users are testing the game first, to make sure it is the best it can possibly be. PS4 users help support Bungie the most, since it means the Sony-Bungie partnership will be successful. I imagine many PS4 users might have even bought a PS4 JUST to play Destiny!
Can you say the same about Xbox users? Probably not. Xbox users are more like common rabble who only want to play Destiny since it's a popular game (like CoD fans). They don't really care that much about Destiny, they just want to make sure they stay relevant.
I'm glad that Bungie at least understands PS4 users are true fans since they give us exclusive stuff.
that's not what it is at all. Bungie is giving he ps4 exclusives to get the new members interested in the community. It isn't because they're favoring them, they just want to show a little love to the new guys.
Who cares?
Yes, they are the true fans same with XBOX it's nice to see PS4 gets a chance for a game from bungie
No. They're all noobs. Also, obvious flamebait is obvious.
BEGINNING TRANSMISSION: (Low melodious hum.) I like to consider those who play with and enjoy the company as fans... no, family members. We all come under one goal, and that is to have fun. It does not matter how much time or money you spend, what platform you choose to play the games on, or how long you have been with us, you are all equally valuable assets Bungie. ENDING TRANSMISSION:
As a PS4 owner that switched from Xbox 360, I have to disagree with your thoughts. Anyone that has been posting in this board dying for more info about this game is a true fan. We have all been waiting for the opportunity to get our hands on this game and everyone of us are eagerly awaiting 9/9/14 to play the full version.
Ladies first. Playstation users aren't even legit gamers they are jokes
No, not in the slightest. With experience [b]SOME[/b] of them will be welcome, but most right now are just desticles and trolls. The reason this community will never be the same.
-blam!- off prick
Edited by Ki11erBrownie: 6/11/2014 8:15:50 PMGet this sh1t off the forums
The platform you play on doesn't determine whether or not you're a true fan.
Why are you trying to pick fights dude?
There are no 'true fans'.
This is... The exact opposite of the argument I thought this thread was going to make. The comment I was going to make still applies though. If you call yourself a fan of Destiny, you're a "true fan". End of story. Playing on a specific system or buying a specific version of the game or buying merchandise doesn't make your excitement for Destiny any more or less legitimate than anyone else's. We've got enough problems in this fandom without people trying to invent new ones. TL;DR ur rong lulz.
I have an XBO soon I'll be getting a ps4 but I'm still going to get destiny on the XBO because my best friend and plenty of my other friends are on the XBO. On another note PC, PSN, XBO and yes even wii u fans are not real gamers, a real gamer loves well games no matter the console.
Edited by DEZARATH: 6/11/2014 6:38:30 PMThe Halo fans here are mostly banned from 343. Somewhere Ka-Five is waiting to welcome their alts back and then send them packing all over again. Halo fans: muh skills and muh BR? Who do I complain to? Bungie: Moving on.
I came for the tears, stayed for the shitpost.
Edited by DigiOps: 6/11/2014 5:14:15 PM[quote]Xbox users are more like common rabble who only want to play Destiny since it's a popular game (like CoD fans).[/quote] I wouldn't say common rabble. I would say, the more posts I see the more it becomes clear that the old guard of the fresh blue meat and green team seem to only like games with blood and gore. They wouldn't like Destiny anyway apparently. :(
Kill this thread
I have been a Bungie fan since Halo, and I game on PlayStation and sometimes PC. I am a big fan of Destiny aswell its looking awesome, unlike these forums lately.
As both an xbox and ps owner, i'm gonna have to disagree. Just because they're giving us all this stuff, doesn't necessarily mean we are the bigger fans. Xbox was with Bungie what seems like a lifetime, and now they feel betrayed. Although I myself don't see it as betrayal, I see where they're coming from. Halo is practically the xbox's god father(not a joke). The MLG tournaments they had and so forth. I have played every Halo except the very first and Halo 4, and I must say, it was an incredible series. I was xbox first, although I did want a ps. Xbox users will always and forever will be the TRUE fans. We are just now getting a test of what they had for years. We are fans, but we can't compare to them. This is just my opinion as an owner and a fellow ps long time user.
Duhhh they get the best stuff
The console doesn't dictate that.
Ps4 user here, Baxstabbz is my psn ID. I disagree with your post
Nice bait. Can't wait to see who's ignorant enough to fall for it.