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originally posted in: Xbox User Perspective
6/10/2014 2:06:52 PM
You have no one to blame for deals like this ever getting done but Microsoft. They started all this crap with buying exclusivity for DLC, timed exlcusives, etc.., because their in-house first party studios suck so they needed 3rd party titles to sway buyers into buying the 360 (Halo games excluded. They were all great). This all started with GTA IV, then spread to COD, et al. During the days of the PS3 Sony wouldn't play ball. Now that they are people have a problem with it. I personally don't care for these exclusive deals myself. I don't truly believe that any real PS fan does, especially after what we went through last gen. If they do they are seriously jaded and need some help. I just call BS when I see it. Now that all you Xbox fans are having to deal with just a taste of what us PS gamers went through last gen, SONY is more of the devil than they already were to you and nothing is fair. You have been the haves for so long that you are spoiled and can't get a grip and come to terms with being the have-nots. You also have no one to blame but Microsoft for Xbox gamers being the have-nots after 2013's E3 debacle and message. They have had to go back on everything they said; always online, no used games, must have Kinect, and so on. Not to mention that Microsoft is not a hardware manufacturer and they shipped an over-priced, under-powered machine. Numerous websites with first-hand knowledge of how the cloud works tried to get you to see that the "Cloud" was a bunch of BS, but you bought all of MS's corporate smoke blown up your asses like it was the word of God. If you notice the "Power Of the Cloud" was not mentioned once during this year's E3. I know that Microsoft came in and bought Bungie and paid the costs for the Halo games, but if not for Bungie's creativity in making a kick-ass game and ground-breaking networking expertise (the entire backbone of Live is borrowed from Bungie and Halo), there never would have been an Xbox 360 or Xbox Live. The original Xbox would have failed more than it did anyway and Microsoft would not still be in the console business without Bungie. The Halo games are soooo good that people put up with the horribly made original 360 to the point that most people went through between 2 -4 consoles because of the RROD (points once again to MS being a software, not hardware company) just to play Halo. My point is Bungie and Halo made the Xbox brand what it is, not the other way around. Did you buy an Xbox or Xbox 360 because of Halo or the other way around? If you bought an Xbox or 360 because of Halo, Bungie does not owe you nor Microsoft anything. Especially when Microsoft is about to milk the hell out Bungie's blood, sweat, and tears (Halo's 1-3) and Bungie won't see a dime in royalties from the Master Chief Collection. Your anger and frustration are misguided with everyone you are trying to blame for your supposed slight. It is not the fault of Bungie, SONY, nor Activision. The blame lies 100% with Microsoft!!! Well, guess what, life isn't fair. It never has been and never will be. You just got to learn to let it go. I am as passionate as anyone about video games but they are just that; Games. They are not life and death or the destroyer of self esteem that you guys are making this Activision / SONY / Bungie partnership out to be. If any of this has destroyed any of your self esteem, you seriously need to step away from gaming and re-evaluate your lives and values.

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  • The fact that you wrote that whole story is the BS. If I recall, Sony has had its fair share of problems too regarding their machines. My point was not to bring up the console wars since that is a topic all of its own. My point was to say that a lot of Bungie's success was because of the fans that supported them, the Xbox users. I bought an Xbox 360 because of Halo originally, but also because PS3 did not appeal to me and plus all of my good online friends were also on Xbox. I said once and I will say it again, I understand that Bungie is trying to appeal to their new customer base and are banking on their old one buying Destiny, but at some point you have to realize that you are turning your back on the people who have supported you for over 10 years.

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  • Man these arguments of yours are entertaining. I hope that guy responds soon. I have my own opinion on this matter but it can wait.

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