managed to tune up my car, fix all the doors in the house, install 2 air conditioners, finish making the desk I was putting off for the past month, and finally beat my lap time during the 3 hours of practice I had on the course. so what have you done today?
A few minutes after I woke up, I had an encounter with two spiders, one [i]apparently[/i] a wolf spider and the other like a regular daddy long legs... I think... I don't even know. After that predicament, I got on Xbox, first time since getting my wii u, and saw it read BF4. I was like, "whaaa?" and then i proceeded to take out the game, and put it back in. Unfortunately, the xbox, again, refused to read it, so I just -blam!-ed myself in the asshole there... after a few tries, I gave up and went over to Saints Row 3 after SR3 I went over to Wind Waker HD, and after that ate some In-N-Out and here i am on my computer watching [url=]videos[/url]
Played Watch Dogs and ate pizza.
>productive today >me Pick none.
what does "most productive day on the planet" even signify
I'm about to go look for a job.
It's 2:26 PM and I haven't even dressed yet.
Nice. Good for you, man.
Wrote a paragraph of my book. [spoiler]No, that's me on my most unproductive days. Today I'm at my friend's flat and he's practising tattooing on our other friend. I'm just hanging out, not looking to get inked today. :P[/spoiler]
I've been awake for 12 minutes man, slow down. Jesus Christ.....
I woke up, that's a start.
I started and finished 3 assignments once, which took me 7 solid hours without breaks, interruption, loss of concentration, going to the toilet, or having anything to eat. GOML
Finished the rest of my schoolwork. I'm done with college for the year.
Got up at 12:15.
[quote]so what have you done today?[/quote] Your mom.
I woke up and got on bnet immediately.
I turned from my left side over to my right side on the sofa.
Today? Hmm... not much. I'm on my break.