I just lost about 18m buckaroos for the US government, those NK pilots aren't pushovers. Ever since they came over the DMZ and almost made it to Seoul we stopped making jokes... This happened in Falcon 4.0 BMS.
Sequence of events-
>Intercepted North Korean IL-48's inbound to our airbase outside Seoul, two kills in my flight both by me
>Flight is vectored onto a pop up group of MiG-23's on an intercept course with us, engaged with AIM-120b's and knocked em out.
>Missile warning starts screaming in my cockpit and I notice the "21" pop up on my RWR, SOB came out of freaking nowhere right in the middle of our flight
>Missile hits and I am on fire
>Ditch aircraft and land in friendly territory, I think some R and R is in order.
So yeah Flood...this was pretty embarrassing, those NK pilots got the better of me, but honestly I am just starting to learn the F-16C. I appreciate any comments/concerns or jokes pertaining to this event.
What game?
How, did you get shot?! they can barely see anything in front of them! :/
If I had a gaming rig I would blow so much money on flight sims..
You got shot down by this?
You should have shot some Freedom, Obamacare, and Communist-Seaking Missiles at them.
Blame the AWACS controller for not warning you of the loitering Fishbed. You did get of countermeasures and jink, yes?
Geeze, I didn't know these could do that.
What is this and how do I get one? A combat flight simulator?
In real life an F-16 would curbstomp a MiG-21
Did your wingman at least smoke the guy?
You got shot down because the FMC is not configured properly for defense. "NO RAD" thats bad.
Keep trying to fly those Falcons, brah. Maybe one day you'll manage a kill.
Firthy capitarist Farcon no match for Grorious MIG 21. Dear Reader made missre hit dirty imperiarist dog.
Bump for failure.
I swear I've seen this thread before.
I still don't get why Aircraft need so many buttons. Is the button that says "FACK" for situations like this one?
Do they even have an airforce? Or is it just guys strapped to very large paragliders holding a primed grenade?