[url=http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2154897/Dead-obese-woman-body-fat-set-building-cremation.html]To stop the landwhales from killing us with their mere presence.[/url]
Freedoms are great things. I certainly don't like being boxed in by unnecessary rules, laws, or regulations. Hell, I don't even like being behind someone else in traffic even if they are going the speed limit.
[url=http://a.gifb.in/042011/1303921531_us-obesity-rates-timeline-1985-2009.gif]But right now, the freedom for people to eat whatever they want is hurting everyone as a whole.[/url]
I saw a [url=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.3322/caac.21237/full]paper[/url] on Reddit about this very thing, and the actual causes are very difficult to combat. People are getting fatter because food is more available; even if produce and "healthy" foods were more affordable, there's no evidence that consumers would substitute them for unhealthy food; and looking purely at obesity, eating healthy isn't going to solve the problem anyway, since it's about eating [i]less.[/i] Over time, we've built an environment that promotes massive production and consumption of foods. The suggested policies boil down to some really hardcore price controls that couldn't even pass in Denmark, and they have zero chance here in the States.