[url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/capital-weather-gang/wp/2014/06/02/female-named-hurricanes-kill-more-than-male-because-people-dont-respect-them-study-finds/]...because they lead to a lower perceived risk and consequently less preparedness[/url] thanks to gender stereotypes. [url=http://www.pnas.org/content/early/2014/05/29/1402786111.abstract?sid=79a9dd5a-51c7-4dfe-95b0-25c41fec04e9]Here's the paper[/url] from the National Academy of Sciences. I'm reading it now and would encourage anyone else with access to do the same.
inb4shitstorm... sorry, maelstorm.
I'm having a hard time believing that.
Edited by Lime: 6/5/2014 2:20:54 PMThat's funny considering that all hurricanes used to have female names. Edit: I'm now remembering countless threads on /b/ about how hurricanes should be named shit like dicksmasher5000.
Hurricane Abysmal Terror Hurricane Eternal Agony Hurricane Black Void of Hate Hurricane Demon's Wrath Hurricane Sins of Humanity Go ahead and ride it out, I dare you.
[quote]results imply an “implicit"[/quote]Kek. But hat they're saying is that it's meteorologists' fault for bad naming failing to convey the severity of the storms eh? Interesting point. Hurricane "Zontar" or "Xyclon Craw X" would probs do the job.
The wonders of natural selection. "Hey there's a hurricane coming here we should evacuate" "Nah it's got a girl name it's not going to harm us"
Edited by Banned Carpet: 6/4/2014 6:43:44 PMRelevant Also, shouldn't you be scared/prepared of [i]any[/i] hurricane?
Breaking news: Every hurricane given a female name will be retroactively named Chuck Norris.
That's what happens when you don't check your privilege.
This must be the work of the patriarchy...
Yet more evidence on how the patriarchy is destroying not only America but the world. If not for oppresive gender roles on women this would never happen. [spoiler]Relax I'm kidding.[/spoiler]
They really need to start naming hurricanes more realistically. Hurricane "We're All Gonna -blam!-ing Die" would get people moving.
Do you know if there was any kind of control in the study, like something to normalize the results? For example, they could have used cost of damages as a baseline comparison, as it couldn't possibly be affected by gender bias on any considerable scale.
Perhaps naming all hurricanes something terrifying and cliche maybe we'll have less issues. Names like Juggernaut and Widow maker.
Name a Hurricane "Godzilla" and that will get people to move their ass to cover.
Just start making them as apocalyptic as possible. Here are some ideas: Hurricane Annihilation Hurricane Butt-blam!-ed Hurricane We Pissed Off God Hurricane OhShitOhShitOhShit
lel 'Gee that looks like a big ass storm coming our way' 'Nah it'll be fine, it's called Sandy' 'Nah it'll be fine, it's called Katrina' 'Nah it'll be fine, it's called Sharkeisha.' 'Gee that looks like a big ass storm coming our way' 'Hurricane Jimbo?! We gotta get the -blam!- outta here! D:'
Hurricane Debra.... I see your point.
So only sexists would die because of it?
Ain't that a bitch.
Call every hurricane Tyrone. Problem solved
[quote] inb4shitstorm... sorry, maelstorm.[/quote] This is perfect. On topic, that was an interesting read. I'm looking at the paper now.
We should start naming hurricanes after stuff that's actually scary. Like if I heard about Hurricane Godzilla or Hurricane Leviathan I'd probably shit myself.
Just call name them bob and don't tell the feminazis.
Wow. That's hilarious. But, gotta go with a game changer. Need to throw some oomph into the names now so people get that extra shove.
Coincidence I think not
http://www.climatenamechange.org/ This is what we should really be doing.