[quote]The time has come for us to let the game speak for itself. We hope you love what it has to say. For us, for Destiny, and for you, the conversation is only beginning. We’re anxious to listen.[/quote] - DeeJ
Did you catch it?
Perhaps not.
Let me narrow it for you:
[quote]We’re anxious to listen.[/quote]
They're uneasy and worried about listening to us!
They're scared!
They hate their community! THEY HATE US!
whatsup evrybudy this is DensertyFallover here with a brand new update on Bungee's long awaited MMORPS this weeks Weeklu Watts Update included the word 'anxious', not just defining how I sound whenever I reckort a video, but also notice the letter X immediatly followed by an I. As evrywun nose, I was the letter the Greeks used to represent alpha, meaning that Destinhoffman is still in its initial testing phase. Alpha is also the first letter of the Japanese alphabet, translationing as 'one', clearly Spongie's way of throwing Xbox Omega owners a freaking bone here. Well, that's all we have today, don't forgot to like my Twatter and subscribe on iRunes for much much much much much much much much more and also piri-piri sauce schemes.