[url=http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/consumer-security/apple-device-hijacking-spreads-to-us-as-aussies-urged-to-change-passwords-20140529-zrrap.html]Please meet my ransom demands[/url] and send money to my PayPal.
[quote]The attacks, which were initially only impacting device owners in Australia, involve a hacker logging in to Apple iCloud accounts and using the lost device feature to lock users out. A message then demands a ransom of between $US50 and $US100 for the device to be unlocked.[/quote]
Has anyone encountered this themselves or know of anyone who has?
It's only a matter of time til that shit hits home.
How did you mange to still my phone in the 1st place.
#watchdogs I had to...I've been playing the game almost non stop now...
I've known of something similar which involves a virus grabbing files on your computer and locking them until you pay a ransom. Any attempts to do anything other than pay the ransom results in the files being deleted. I suppose that this is yet another reminder to save your content in multiple locations and make backups regularly.
Avoid RedTube, that's where most people got these. [spoiler]You know you were panicked for a second[/spoiler]
I don't use the cloud so meh!
Good day to be Android.
I use android :^)
Android Master race here.. Lol
Yep it can confirm at lest 19 cases of this in the Gold Coast Australia. It's a god damn pain
Kinda stupid, the owner can just call Apple and have it overridden.
Save Elegiac!
At first I thought that Recon hacked my phone…
Sounds like the one on PC, except with a bigger ransom.
Nope. I did read about this yesterday though. Crazy.
Reported for Threats/Harassment
Sounds like cryptolocker.
This was a while ago [spoiler]And reported for threats[/spoiler]
That's crazy
This is why Apple is awful.
>Apple Well there's your problem!