As I say in the title, I have no clue what weapons are I'm which class. Are snipers a heavy or special weapon? Are assault rifles and shotguns special or primary? Please educate me.
I posted this in your last thread... [quote]ight, i got this *cracks knuckles*. In Destiny there is three weapon slots, You have your Primary, Special, and Heavy. You will have the ability to store an additional 12 per slot in your 'backpack/inventory' for a total of 39 guns at any given time. The Primary slot is for the weapons you will have out at any given time and will use most frequently, the assault rifles and pulse rifles. The secondary slot (called special) is used for the heavily situational guns like a shotgun, sniper, or hand cannons. Lastly, the heavy slot is exactly how it sounds, LMGs and Booms. An additional thing to mention is that the rarity classification system is basic (white), common (green), superior (purple), and exotic (gold). Finally, some guns might have what borderlands called elemental damage. Bungie describes this as the weapon is "infused with energy", the damage types are thermal, arc, and void.[/quote]