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5/23/2014 8:48:49 PM

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  • [quote]*Edit The next part is up! Take a look! I will put a marker down where the first part ends. If you find any typo's let me know so I can FIX them. This is my first time doing something like this but I thought it would be kind of fun. This is far from finished and I will update it as I write more. I plan to write this story all the way up until Destiny drops and I can update the story with all of the real lore and so on. Go easy on me, I am new at this. I will be editing this post as I write new sections. So without further adieu. The beginning of the first chapter of "Truth" 010100000101001001011110101010000010101010000001010101000010100101000101011110101001100101010101010100001111010101110101001011111101000010101010010110010101010010010101010110 [START UP PROGRAM INITIATED] [TESTING... ALL SYSTEMS OPERATIONAL] [TESTING EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS... MOTOR FUNCTIONS NORMAL] [PROCESSING SYSTEM ANALYSIS... READINGS SHOW MINIMAL DAMAGE] [ALL SYSTEMS ARE GO... BOOTING UP] [RUNNING WAKEUP.EXE] [WAKE UP CHILD] [HELLO WORLD.] “Hello World..” The words cut through the forest. They hung in the air, echoing through the area. A light snow caked the ground of the clearing. In the center a humanoid figures eyes glowed to life for the first time in an age. The figure’s limbs spasmed, hands opening and closing, legs bending. It sat up suddenly. Breathing heavily the humanoid looked around at its surroundings, glowing blue eyes scanning the trees. A loud concussive noise in the distance drove the figures gaze skyward. The figures breath caught. High above in the night sky, a sphere shaped object the size of a small moon hung over the world, and it was burning. As if it had been there all along the loud, concussive sounds of war sounded from everywhere. The figure, realizing the danger it was in, began to stand to its feet.. When it saw its hands. Metal hands. The figure screamed. Blood curdling, and synthetic, yet oddly still human it screamed. The Exo dropped to its knees and held its head as if in agony, and began to sob quietly.. (End part 1) The ranger walked through the forest, stepping over fallen trees and pushing past the snow covered brush. High above in the sky the small moon hung still over the world, Its blasted surface scarred, and burned. The ranger gazed up at the Traveler, concern written clearly on his face. It had been there over a week now. Ever since the fires had stopped burning it had just sat there. It made the ranger feel uneasy. Walking through what seemed to be a camp of some sort the ranger paused sighing heavily, he was exhausted. “Nothing but deserted camps so far.” He said as he scanned the area. Fallen had been holed up in these hills for weeks, at night the hills would be glowing with hundreds of glowing lights from the campfires. Now they were completely deserted. They had been pushing the Fallen back slowly, ever since the assault on the Traveler had stopped. Looking around he saw that the Fallen had left in a hurry. They had been gone for a while, snow covered most of what was left. The Rangers communicator pinged in his ear.[b] [i]“I’m getting the same thing over here. Nothing but empty tents and burnt out fire pits. What do you think? They finally giving up?”[/i] [/b] “We’ve been pushing them back easily enough. I think that they’re beginning to realize we have them beat.” It was true, the Fallen had steadily been on the retreat for the last few days. Him and the other scouts had seen the evacuation ships taking off. Dozens of them depart every day, each of them taking a battalion of Fallen with it. “Still though, its hard to believe that they are all gone.” [b] [i]“Yeah, a little too hard to believe. Keep your wits about you. I'm not entirely convinced that we’re alone out here.” [/i][/b] “Copy that” The Ranger grunted. “Gonna continue to scan the area. Make sure theres nothing left. Meet you back at the alpha site?” [b][i]“Sure thing. Will meet you there. Let me know if you find anything.”[/i][/b] “Sure thing”. The ranger took a moment to check all of his things and make sure everything was in order before he headed out into the forest again. He was outfitted in standard gear for a Ranger. He wore a white cloak, light armor clearly showing underneath the fabric. The hood was pulled far over his head. His communicator was nothing more than an earpiece, and he carried a standard issue rifle. [i]Nothing fancy.[/i] He thought. [i]But it gets the job done. [/i] After he was satisfied everything was in working order he threw a clip into his rifle and set off. Remnants of the forests previous inhabitants were everywhere. Torn red banners hung off of branches. Wooden shelters were caved in from all the snow. He came across many more camps like the one he had just left. Some of them still had their fires smoldering but they were equally as deserted as the rest. [i]They didn’t even bother to put out the fires.[/i] He observed. Something about the rush the Fallen were in to leave the area had him on edge. [i]Something must have happened to them as well.[/i] He thought. Ever since the battle of the Traveler ended all kinds of things were happening. Strange things. Queer things. Men suddenly falling unconscious only to wake up... Changed, different. Entire populations of people suddenly disappearing. Old pieces of technology suddenly turning on. At least thats what the rumors said. [i]Maybe something similar was happening to the Fallen? Maybe they had been afflicted as well. I hope they got the worst of it.[/i] The ranger thought angrily. The Fallen had been in a constant siege of the city for months now and they had cost the lives of thousands, if it weren't for the traveler, and for the brave men who defended the wall, the city would have certainly been lost. As the day passed the sun began to make its descent in the sky, the ranger took one last look around the forest that surrounded him. “I’ve covered everything within the last 9 miles. There’s nothing here, i'm going to start making my way back to the alpha site.” [b][i]“Copy. I have a few more places to look but its the same situation over here. It looks like they all went ho-” [/i][/b] A blinding light flashed above the ranger along with the concussive sound almost like thunder. When the light died down enough for the ranger to see, he saw a Fallen ship drop out of warp not far away from him in the sky. He watched as the ships appearance caused disturbance all around him. The sonic boom made flocks of birds fly off in the distance, and the ranger watched as smaller animals flurried around him frightened. The ship wasted no time once it was fully in atmosphere, with a roaring sound from its engines it blasted off over the horizon. The Ranger burst into a sprint after it, struggling to keep it in view.[/quote] guess who this if from

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