Have a whaleful Wednesday.
ITT: Discuss the qwhality of your day.
Oh space whale... the future misses you...
For Pottery I'm making a Cat/Quarian hybrid that's wielding a sword and shield. I'll show The Flood when I'm done and have colored it.
Last day of school and I found out that the band director is assigning me to the assistant brass captain for marching band despite the fact that I haven't done it before. Something about my positivity and work ethic.
Found a video about a whale that's afraid of water, he died. Then I got added to a list that told me I didn't have to put on the red light. Had some at school, got a lot of compliments from girls on how I looked and had an awesome dinner. I had a good day. How was yours? -mandatory whale pun-
Whale if you ask... Pretty good.
Ai, the hunting of whales shall begin!
You are just so damn jolly
Good so far. But I am pretty tired.