>be in 3rd grade
>go over to friends house for sleepover
>other friend is there too
>3 amigos
>be watching spy kids in the living room
>we want popcorn
>go to friends parents room to ask for popcorn
>hear extremely loud slapping sound and moaning noise inside
>put my ear against the door
>friends mom getting it hard
>go tell friends
>we all huddled around the door listening
>so much more interesting than spy kids
>finally we all have to leave in fear of our laughter being heard
>few minutes later friends step dad comes out and leaves for work
>friends mom wasnt seen till next morning
>never got popcorn
Told my mom about it three or four years later. To this day I dont understand how you can have such loud sex in the middle of your kids sleep over. Some parents man.