[quote]We were loyal to Bungie for 10 years. They're traitors.[/quote]
Lol we had no chance to be loyal they didn't give us halo they're giving us early stuff because Microsoft never let them give us halo they are greedy so now that they're out of Microsoft's clutches thank god they can make a game for everyone the way it should be with a game thats going to be this great so maybe its a way of getting us ps players in on their game and a way of saying sorry Microsoft was greedy we'll give you guys early access
You mean just like sony was greedy with kill zone?
[quote]You mean just like sony was greedy with kill zone?[/quote] Don't even know what killzone is and no way its as big as halo I rest my case
Cough it's a halo killer cough
[quote]Cough it's a halo killer cough[/quote] Kinda like destiny will kill halo?
No not really. Can't compare the two when they only have a few things in common.
[quote]No not really. Can't compare the two when they only have a few things in common.[/quote] Oh you're saying those 2 games are very similar
[quote]Oh you're saying those 2 games are very similar[/quote] No I am not. I am only stated known knowledge that kill zone was sonys attempt to counter halo. Destiny and halo will be two different animals, I'm sure both will offer a fun game though.
ya but killzone isn't that great of a franchise nowhere close to halo is
Point is that we of the xbox community never got to develop that opinion unless we got a playstation. I wasn't one of those people.
thats true but exclusives are just that the means are to get you to buy the system bungie broke free of that by leaving Microsoft there free game ps is a new market. they need the publicity (not saying ps didn't pay to get the game first) but Microsoft did do the same with the hole of COD Ghost i had to wait for what felt like a century for that last dlc
Not entirely sure why people keep buying cod. Please elaborate why you'd pay money for a copy and paste game series. Don't get me wrong, I still get on the black ops 2 that I got a ways back just so I'd have something to do with friends, but seriously, what is the appeal? It hasn't really been improved since before World At War.
Mainly extinction i literally haven't played the other parts of the game maybe a dozen times
I can see that. Honestly I wouldn't have even touched black ops 1 or 2 if they hadn't had zombies.
i completely agree everything else is copy paste :)
True Dat. So what we get beta first, not a huge deal its probably as u said just to say sorry for not giving us halo
I'm going to say what every PS fanboy says. It's business.
[quote]I'm going to say what every PS fanboy says. It's business.[/quote] Im not a fanboy lol I have a ps yes but yes it is business they gotta add in the extra system for more sales
thats true but more on that they put many years into xbox alone they gotta win ps fans over