Peacefully worship Satan. I mean, he was an angel at one point, right? Crowley?
Kill God and Conquer reality with Satan. #nolimits #YOL4EVER
Peacefully worship Satan. He seems like a chill dude.
Kill for God. He's probably got a good reason for it...
I think it's about time for another crusade.
Kill for god.
Kill for God.
i dont know man, the kebabs are kinda asking for it...
Kill fo God.
Kill a few people than more likely than not have it coming and party in Heaven afterward, or do little to nothing and burn in Hell afterward. Tough choice.
GR8 B8 M8
So kill for a fascist megalomaniac, or worship a revolutionary individualist?
Satan at least is willing to have some fun
Kill for God. Odds are, if God wants you to kill someone, he's got a pretty good reason.
Why not both? Worship satan in my quiet time, kill for god in my adrenaline-fueled rage all the other times.
Neither beings are worth taking a life for or worshiping in the least bit.