Liberals in America are a bunch of homosexual weak men from the cities who can't even learn to use a firearm and walk around with pants several sizes too small and sit at home all day waiting for their next government welfare check. Seriously, America's future generation is hopeless.
Edited by Oyik: 5/6/2014 1:19:04 PM
Started a new topic: Why are Conservatives such closet dwellers?(5 Replies))
Eh, 2/10 not very original.
Edited by Gaara444: 5/6/2014 1:11:37 PMNot even a liberal (everyone on here can vouch for that) and I can see this tread as nothing but bait. What you described are Cultural Radicals, not Liberals. Well, the homosexual part can't even be applied to that, but still the whole thing about tight pants and can't use a gun is pretty spot on.
Every time I see a thread title like this, I lol.
Put that mirror down.
0/10 Remember when Trolls were entertaining? It seems so long ago now...