Nothing like everyone studying their asses of while I rage really hard playing Dark Souls 2. So what is everyone else doing as finals are rolling out?
I'm just extremely sad after having my last class ever.
-blam!- you
>plays dark souls instead of studying Just so you know kid, i like pickles on my McDonalds hamburger
I am trying to catch up to study for finals. People are assigning essays before the test which is a sabotage
I have my environmental science final on Monday...I really should be studying, but I drove home for my dad's birthday, and my laptop died on me, losing most of my files in the process.
Which calc are you in
I've been done with finals for a week.
Mine ended a month ago. :D
Working. I graduated from dat shit years ago. No finals for me. Lolyoungsters
I only have two. Math is the only one I'm worried about. The other is government and that's easy,
I don't know Finals are always really easy for me