Last year before the Xbox One was released I preordered Destiny to get beta access. At the time I thought the beta would be ready before the release of the Xbox One. Obviously this wasn't the case. I picked for my beta to be on the 360. Is there a way I can change my code to the Xbox One?
Edited by EZ: 4/28/2014 7:22:48 PMHave no fear your not bond to any console, the code you received, when you preordered, is just a reservation for the beta. As long as you redeemed the code [url=]here[/url], your good to go. You'll be able to select a console at a later date, closer to the time of the beta. [url=] Information Desk[/url] |[url=] FAQ[/url]| |[url=] Destiny Beta FAQ[/url]|