So, I was just thinking. In the old russia gameplay trailer the played character was a warlock right? And then his teammate got killed by Rixis. So, I couldn't help but wonder:
[b]What if only Warlocks can revive fallen teammates?[/b]
There is no way to be sure of it since everything was from a warlock's perspective, but it doesn't seem completely impossible.
[b]What do you guys think this would add or remove towards gameplay? Thoughts?[/b]
Please discuss this a lot! I'm pretty curious! :D
EDIT: additionally I'd like your opinions on: [b] What if there are items that can be used to regenerate a fallen teammate, but there would be a focus that would allow this without this item? [/b] or maybe warlocks can revive faster then the other classes?
May be that Warlocks are able to revive other players quicker than the other classes. However, we know that every class uses Light (The Warlock being the most intuned with it), so every class should be able to revive teammates