The other day I was talking to a friend about vision, etc. And I said something like "That noise can get really annoying sometimes". He had no idea what I was talking about. Apparently not everyone has this as I once thought, and I guess it's kind of a visual disorder.
The white spots move around really fast and flicker, so it's pretty much like turning your TV to a station without a signal and getting [url=]static[/url]. Above that, really crazy stuff happens when I close my eyes.
To those who don't have it, ask me anything about it.
*Stands to attention* Fuzzy eyes repotin for duteh. I found this gif quite helpful for explaining what my vision looks like although not as pronounced. It's annoying at times, but doesn't hinder my eyesight much at all. I'm still quite adept at hitting targets with an air rifle (Britbongistan, no fun guns to play with ;_;) and with a bow and arrow. I get infinitely more practise at sniping in games though <.< Rambling aside, these people seem to be working on studying it/investigating it and potentially finding a cure. It would be nice to get that crystal clear HD 1080 swag vision that everyone else has <.<