So I got my certificate of completion for my Drug And Alcohol Course in the state of Florida. I'm going in Friday to get my Permit. However, when I was doing the course, it had a section on traffic lights and speed limits (obviously). And it said something very interesting:
[quote]"Traffic lights are synchronized with speed limits, if you go the proper speed limit, you will hit every green light to you destination." [/quote]
it doesn't honestly expect me to believe that right? I have been in the car countless times with my friends and family driving when we're going to proper speed limit and it gives us the red light a good five times in a row. What kind of idiot does the state of Florida take me for? There is no way you can possibly make me believe such a ludicrous statement.
This is assuming the best case scenario in which you start at a green light and despite all simultaneously occurring events, continue to move at the exact speed limit, and you don't happen to be headed through an intersection of more than two crossing roads. So in other words, it's not [i]impossible[/i], but in many cases it won't happen