If you are, then why? I bet you anything you can't give ANY reasonable explanation.
Edit: I'm actually a Christian, but not brainwashed enough to be a raging hypocrite.
Me. I am. I am entirely against any and all marriage being tied to the government institution of tax benefits. Marriage is an entirely religious construct, so why, why, pray tell do we allow specific couples receive government benefits from a religious tradition? [b]Everyone[/b] should be getting civil unions, recognized the way marriages are legally, but simply the same as applying for your lease or "marriage license with another. Then let people throw an orgy, or get married, or whatever celebration they wish to religiously or non religiously uphold. #getridofinstatutionalizedmariageotliterallymakesnosence. Tl:dr people should get civil unionized, not married, regardless of the penis/vagina ratio of said couple.