Bungie the forge is a perfect device to expand into the Minecraft and Space Engineer market.
With the right palette of building geometry and designs you could create a wonderful experience in the procedural generated gaming market.
Yes, Forgers like to create maps for competitive FPSs, but they also like to build ships along with a myriad of other items in an imagination rich environment.
In many ways with the right lighting, rigging, and animations you could also expand into the sim city market. 4x gameplay and resource mining that has become popular in PC gaming.
I loved Reach's Forge and after watching some extensive Space Engineer footage I can't help but see the Forge being used in way that could be expanded into other genres of gaming for Bungie to excel in.
It's only a matter of time before Space Engineers is polished and ported to Consoles. The Forge is wonderful tool already in your arsenal and it would be incredible to see it retrofitted into a massive space resource simulator.
Next time you guys break into groups to play with gaming ideas I hope somebody plays around with potential of the Forge.
Yes maybe even put it in bungie