The Moon for me seems to be 80% darkened. It only means we are nearing the "Blood Moon". No one know what events may take place. I live near some people who could be moorman but they wear dresses 24/7 and could be doing some cult shit. I don't want to find out, just glad they don't have 20 cars outside their home at this time. :D
My sister just hit me with some scientific truth, she says North Dakota may be too high or far up to see the moon Red. Since right now its just Orange, but were gunna wait and see if it changes to red.
(2:37-4/15/14)- Well it's over now for me, thought I should just add it into the OP as well for conclusion. As I posted earlier, the moon here was just Orange but still cool. Was fun to watch the moon change then go away to the darkness.
If anyone has any picture they'd like to share, please post em. Im working on mine
Watching it on Youtube since it's so -blam!-ing cloudy here