The Moon for me seems to be 80% darkened. It only means we are nearing the "Blood Moon". No one know what events may take place. I live near some people who could be moorman but they wear dresses 24/7 and could be doing some cult shit. I don't want to find out, just glad they don't have 20 cars outside their home at this time. :D
My sister just hit me with some scientific truth, she says North Dakota may be too high or far up to see the moon Red. Since right now its just Orange, but were gunna wait and see if it changes to red.
(2:37-4/15/14)- Well it's over now for me, thought I should just add it into the OP as well for conclusion. As I posted earlier, the moon here was just Orange but still cool. Was fun to watch the moon change then go away to the darkness.
If anyone has any picture they'd like to share, please post em. Im working on mine
Got a stellar picture.
Uhh, when will it show up in GMT?
Finally a thread about this. Lord Hircine calls for Blood!
Let me be the first to point out how utterly retarded the title of this thread is.
Just gonna leave this here...
Too tired to stand there any longer But living in a rural area has its perks it would appear. Was magical and had a good handful of shooting stars whisper across the sky at the very last bit of visible moon. I would go in depth if I weren't so damn exhausted. For a few moments however the face of the moon showed up, and with the light that danced like molten rock over it, the face seemed to move and twist. As it reddened the stars became vibrant. As if someone had tossed sparkling dust over the sky and swirled it.
⊂_ヽ \\ Λ_Λ \( ˇωˇ) / ⌒ / へ\ / / \\ レ ノ ヽ_つ / / I've seen better moons ( (ヽ | |、 \ | 丿 \ | | ) / ノ ) Lノ
Well my moon was Orange :/ but still cool to see it Orange haha. I got one shitty picture with a camera but imgur won't recognize it so can't share it. But that's my update
its not even red, its orange
I was trying to get some pictures. A bit too much light, and I got only one really close-up and detailed one due to my tripod mount for my camera being loose. I'll try to clean it up in photoshop tomorrow.
It actually looks 3 dimensional. I can actually tell and feel it's a fkn rock. I'm trippn' out, man.
It looks like mars dude!
Not quite at complete totality yet, although i can see the red starting to show up. Damn city lights don't help either. BRB, going to shoot out some streetlights.
I'm trying to go to sleep.
Thanks for the reminder! Just walked outside & its really clear thankfully. First time ever seeing the moon like this, pretty awesome to gaze at.
In about a half an hour it will peak where I am.
*goes outside* *clouds everywhere* ;_______;
Watching it on Youtube since it's so -blam!-ing cloudy here
I've got cloud cover :(
I'm about to head out to experience it.
Cool gonna keep an eye on it