So I'm about to go into NG+ and since google has utterly failed me, I thought I'd ask if folks here know...
Do Great Souls carry over? All the internet says is that Giant Souls do, but I'm talking about Soul of the King, Lost Sinner Soul, etc. Do those carry? Because those are what you need to get past to the Shrine of Winter, those four souls, so if they carry shouldn't you be able to skip the vast majority of the game in NG+? And if they don't, I want to know so I can use them now.
Thanks! And to the rest... feel free to discuss NG+.
The souls carry over. I have like 4 soul of the rottens right now. The primal bonfires are what opens the door, not the souls themselves. Currently on new game ++ but most of the boss bonfires are at intensity 4 or 5 because I was trying to get all the spells and the damn inherit so-and-so's equipment achievements.