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I recently had a very embarrassing encounter on these forums where i din't realize the person i was talking to was speaking French so it gave me an idea to ask you guys if you support French gamers or not. Also if you want to put down your most emmbarasing time where you were involved with a French gamer or not. Also please don't be rude in the comment section but feel free to make parody threads.
This thread is bait.
Im a french canadian and I have no problem talking to english people. I never quit and im very good. if u have any problems, 1v1 me in halo reach
So the cheese eating surrender monkeys want to play video games... Oh ok.
I used to play with these French guys back in my Age of Empires 3 days. Let's go with no just for shits and giggles.
I played against a French guy once. I was winning, and suddenly he quit the game. Guess old habits die hard
Aaaah the sweet smell of racism in the morning.
As soon as you join their game they quit so no.
The French are human beings just like the Amerifats and Brits. I'm sure some of them play video games. I support all gamers.
Is this when you quit a game right away?
Frenchness is a crime
I reported a French guy on Xbox for "offensive language". Many Lols were had
No. Ban the French from gaming.
They're the worst! Whenever you get a group of loud people, usually playing music or something similarly obnoxious, its always in the French language. -blam!- 'em
I played Halo Wars with a french chick once. 2/10, would not do again.
A french guy raged at me in Dark Souls 2 a little while ago. It was funny, but I wish I knew what he was saying.
They'll give up in a hour.
My last name is French. Viva la France!
Well. I'm Canadian. So, yes.
This reminds me of an encounter I had with a Scot.
I seriously hate french gamers. Always yelling their own language through the mic... Not even TRYING to speak decent English.