K :'(
Thanks, now i here is your .7 mill. I will take the 9 mill worth object
That reminds me! There is a 15 mil fine for wakin up before brushing your teeth.
Good thing I brush my teeth in my sleep
>_> guess you want the 12 mil sleep activity fine?
Well yeah that's cheaper than 15 mil
I see you forgot about the talking about money in front of others on the internet (this rule is void to the rule makers). Cost is 20 mil
Scumbag, Qwerty :-/
True fax
Is that a threat? Ah naw giiiirrrrrllllll, hold my earrings. Come on, you swing first bro. What are ya, scared? You swing first. You swing first.
No, u swing first. I have to have a good reason to beat someone up
Nah bro, you swing first man. Come on man, you swing first. You swing first