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4/6/2014 6:48:48 PM

Weekly Updates are utterly useless.

Bring back Urk


Leave Deej


Some other Bungie employee (put in comments)


Somebody from the community (reply username)


Why have updates if there is nothing shared of the said updating? Deej: We're working on the game and made more improvements community: "what improvements?" Deej: [insert vague reply that doesn't answer question here] + [insert witty comment here] Community: can you elaborate please? Deej: [insert vague reply that doesn't answer question here] + did you watch that moon footage for the umpteenth time? watch it again! Oh and we ate a cake. I mean, how many times are you going to avoid questions Deej? Why bother making a mailsack if you're answers don't resolve anything? I'm actually surprised they even pay somebody to write all that crap every week. [url=]I mean when I used to read the old updates, IT WAS AN UPDATE![/url] I'd rather you guys say "hey guys, we didn't do shit on the game today we just ate a cake!" it would actually be more amusing than the shitfest that we have right now. I mean, there are a bunch of people who don't like the state in which the site is in now, THE LEAST YOU CAN DO is make a decent -blam!-ing weekly update/mailsack. Literally nothing of content came out last month for Destiny. April Fools sucked here, and we're not getting anything from being on this site anymore. I don't know, poke fun at 343i's miserable work on Halo or something? The only reason I'm on this site anymore is to read Explodingpiglet's and Officer Nasty's amazing stories.

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  • Edited by Rex Smaals: 4/6/2014 10:45:03 PM
    Deej and Bungie have perfected the balance of too much info vs too little info. I for one prefer the slow, steady drip of information as it adds to my anticipation, which in turns gets my imagination running wild. I also believe that he does answer questions, however vaguely, that the community asks him. Just because you are not getting the info that you want, at a pace that would like, does not mean that these updates are not valuable to others.

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  • Deej does an amazing job of giving us info but not giving us to much. This allows us to imagine just what we want Destiny to be. He does seem to be vague but that is for two reasons. The first is that he is not allowed to give out any more info. The second is that you have to read between the lines. Many things can be taken from what Deej says as long as you apply yourself.

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  • Edited by Commander Tempu: 4/7/2014 5:09:06 AM
    While i agree Deej dances around every issue. However he has tried in the past to sneak things in but no dice. He is playing with the cards dealt here and if the masters say he can't speak of things he can't. He would love to share i am sure of it yet like a dog chained to the yard his leash goes so far. No one wants the game ruined. Bungie wants to keep that surprise as we get it like kids on Christmas. I been writing Fanfics for people who are getting bored and waiting my self so i share the same sentiments wondering when new info will flow. Community has to hang in there. I will do my best to try to make the time pass quickly if the Weekly updates do not satisfy you or engage in other useful topics. The problem i see is that we have the momentum of a turtle right now and then we will hit turbo turtle when the beta gets here as that should be shortly. Have faith and Deej is only doing his job. Its hard to write the same thing all the time with out spoiling things and not make the masters angry. Bungie needs to understand that we have waited a pretty long time and the Community should chill out thus not take it out of Deej.

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  • It's the [b]Bungie[/b] Weekly Update, not the Destiny Weekly Update.

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    2 Replies
    • Lol. I semi agree although im new here. I do want more info. But its a slippery slope. Too much info too soon... What if they change something. Maybe they should give nore technical updates. I dunno. But i know once the game comes out well all be satisfied. As for the state of th forums. Yes there garbage. Most old members seem absolutly -blam!-ing pissed. So your anger may be warranted to some level. But do u really think deej is allowed to say what we want him to? Hes a puppet.

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      • Edited by Hatima BNG 117: 4/7/2014 12:41:00 AM
        DeeJ, Urk or whoever that could be the Community Manager doesn't have contorl of what the "higher powers" tells them to post in the Mail Sacks or updates. I believe it's Bungie itself trickling bits of information about Destiny. Why? I have no clue but the deadline is drawing closer. Things will change.

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      • I love you DeeJ, but I really do miss Urk. Or at least, I miss a time where looser NDAs let him divulge useful, interesting information.

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        • that made me laugh cuz it was kind of true but I don't think Deej is that bad. Just wait cuz their gonna have something soon.

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        • Deej is doing his job properly if you're this mad at him. He's supposed to make us gamers more anxious for the game's arrival, and he's accomplishing this through teasing and limiting our knowledge, so when we do play we explode in euphoria

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        • The best thing about Matt, Frankie, Luke, and Urk is how damn awesome they make DeeJ look. Those other guys sucked. so you sir, can piss off and wait. :) He is about to fire the cannons.

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        • I like deej much better than urk.

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        • I feel like its the same except now we have an opportunity to ask him questions. Also, it's not like Deej is allowed to tell us a bunch of details and is purposely not. Even if he was, who cares? It makes the first time you get your hands on the game just that much sweeter.

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          • Nothing against Deej, but I am now imagining thousands of people chanting URK URK URK while pounding giant war drums as a mysterious man shrouded in shadows marches into the the arena. I loved the man's updates.

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          • You sound upset. No one forces you to read or even look at updates, if you don't like'em don't read them. As I've seen from the threads and other people responses they do like the mail sack/update. I on the other hand stopped paying attention to both a long while ago knowing nothing of interest to me was in them. The website has changed and so has the people, just how things work, man. I think we all miss how the site used to be though.

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