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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by superbreakfast: 4/4/2014 11:13:44 PM

Destiny ITG - Adventure [Last Updated April 4th]

Adventure Status : [b]LOITERING[/b] [spoiler]Adventure Key: Progressing - Stuff is being drawn/written Loitering - Stuff is being suggested/read Pausing - On hiatus [/spoiler] [i]4/4/14[/i] Revamped the OP! New tagline: Read adventure, reply to the latest post! [i]4/1/14[/i] [spoiler]Hey guys. A while ago I tried to start a comic revolving around Destiny but I had a better idea a few minutes ago. This is (as seen in the title) an Interactive Forum Game; these have been kind of a fad around the internet and some of you guys may have seen these around here and there. For anyone who doesn't get it, basically we start off the story with a single picture and it progresses with ideas from posters. So, basically, I'll post a part of the story, and then [b]you[/b] guys and gals reply to it with ideas. You can suggest what the characters should do next, how the environment should react, and I'll try to pick the most interesting or sensible options. Sometimes I'll ask for specific suggestions depending on whats going on. Multiple suggestions can get picked, and if yours is, then I'll make sure to like your post to let you know so you can see how it played out. I don't know how frequent I can update but hopefully we can get this stuff flying and eventually get a fairly interesting story going on.[/spoiler] [u]Guidelines and Protips[/u] [quote]• [b]Posts where people can interact with the story are designated with an *[/b] • Anything can be suggested as long it has a smidgen of relevance with what the character is doing • Even if it isn't directly referenced in the flavor text, posters can suggest the character to do something in the context of the picture or character (ie. Call fireteam commander, pick up jar) • Don't be discouraged if you find the thread late and assume that I'm drawing something/progressing the story; I'll post in the OP when I'm in a state of no return. • Don't be afraid to post, it doesn't hurt! Also don't be discouraged if there are already a lot of post or if you think there's a post that I'll for sure pick as the next scene-- sometime's I'll do a combination, or pick multiple suggestions. • I'm really open to criticism, s'long as it isn't anything anybody has posted already. If you think the characters did something really dumb feel free to suggest he redeem themselves/how they can do it. • Acceptable suggestion include the stuff covered above, contributions/reasons for the character to commit to critical choices, talking/touching/drinking/eating/fighting with the environment, and sometimes just having the character go into downtime mode and think about their actions. [/quote] [u]Currently Working on[/u] [quote]○ Archive for all past posts so people and read from the beginning ○ Reading/waiting suggestions[/quote]

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  • Oh man, you hope your sister finds your dead, rotting, probably burning carcass. That would probably actually make it all worth it, what with all her-- Oh, you notice that the enormous blue beam of light is no longer all that enormous. Or there at all. All that's left appears to be the writing upon the parchment paper, written by the poor sap who last lost this journal; probably the skellington looking fellow over there. On the left side appears to be some nonsense written in a sort of alien scribble language, with a little pocket holding a round. You really cant understand these adventurer type journals; always having these little additions on their pages with mementos lamenting their death-defying schemes. Luckily, also common place in adventurer type journals, a map plastered the right side. You're not sure why this man decided to draw a map of what appears to be the location of his death and the location of sure, undeniable treasure. You're also not sure why these are the only two pages in this dinky little book since the rest are glued together. You tried looking back at the other page to see if there was any way of decoding this alien language but eventually came to the conclusion that this text is literally just a bunch of scribbles with no apparent correlation between each other. That bastard.

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