Why did they change the way she looked?! Why!? She could have been as sexy as Silvermist but noooooo. They just had to turn her into [url=http://gifslair.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/samme-mejias-tinker-bell-secret-of-the-wings-25.gif]this![/url] She went from "*fapfapfapfapfap*" to "meh". WTF Disney. You disappoint me again. Express your disappointment with me, flood.
>you will never hold Tinkerbell in the palm of your hand >you will never hear her giggle as you clumsily try to kiss her >you will never take her on a hot date >you will never only have to pay for one meal because a single strand of the spaghetti your ordered is enough for her >you will never be walked home by her >you will never invite her inside for "coffee" >you will never bring her into your bedroom >you will never feel her wrap her arms around your one inch wonder to try to jerk you off >you will never stifle a laugh as she tries to blow you but inevitably can't wrap her mouth around even the tip of your dick >you will never feel absolute bliss and euphoria as she jams her entire body down your urethra, fulfilling your cock vore fantasies >you will never reach climax and fire Tinker Bell out of your dick like a cannon in a jet of hot semen