I have the game pre-ordered, And i had a question about the online requirements!
I know the game has a Single Player mode that requires an active connection for the Persistent World, But i really need to know if the single player mode is handled client side, or if the Enemies, Objects, and player movement are handled server side.
My internet has a latency of around 1000ms (1k), So unless its all handled client side, I won't be able to play.
Please let me know, so that i don't fully pay off a game i won't be able to play.
They have stated it will be peer to peer hosted, and that adventuring parties will be hosted by specific players. I think that means that solo everything should be handled by your console. Idk for sure though, so id reccomend playing the beta to see how it works. If its utterly unplayable then just cancel the order. Hope i was able to help/alleviate/provide answers to some of your concerns.