If you had the freedom to choose the final animation tech for Destiny, which would you want to add to the Destiny engine based on other games you've seen?
Here are some samples of these in action:
ANT: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rQvtBxN6Hs]Battlefield 3[/url] (2011-)
Euphoria: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=87qdmuOesRs]GTA IV[/url] (2008-)
Havok: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y3G0ZxA_eE]CoD[/url] (2009-)
the main issue with animation is not the tool but the budget the developpers allow it.the more they expand the animations and the more ressources it takes.