Who would you rather work for in a non-apocalyptic (or apocalyptic, your choice really) scenario? Express the reason for your answer below.
[url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/117/d/1/aperture_science_wallpaper_by_habzs-d4xq1vo.jpg]Aperture Science[/url]
[url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/308/e/8/black_mesa_motto_dark_background_by_ne1l-d4f2ol3.jpg]Black Mesa[/url]
[spoiler]If this generates enough attention I may start doing these once a week, each week two different video game entities are chosen, if you have suggestions post them below.[/spoiler]
I chose Aperture Science on a careful study of Cake to Chance of Death ratio. While Black Mesa has a low chance of death in a non-apocalyptic scenario, it also has a very low chance of cake where Aperture Science has a high chance of cake a medium chance of Death. These statistics add up to ratios of 0:1 for Black Mesa and 5:3 for Aperture Science.
Edited by BannedPiranha: 3/6/2014 4:28:52 AMBlack Mesa, less chance of becoming a test subject for a deranged AI that way(or Cave Johnson for that matter).