What is your favorite play style in Dota or MOBA's in general? What hero is your absolute favorite to play?
I would say that I favor playing support heroes, Pugna and Ancient Apparition are my most played heroes in Dota 2, I love when someone tries to go against you one on one and you are able to turn and blast them down before they know what hit them. They might be squishy but they can pack a punch.
I normally play Natures Prophet. So I guess i fall into the Jungler category.
I am usually a 4 or a 5. Rarely a 3 or above. And most of the time it's because I feel I NEED to play support or we will end up with shit supports. But I love it. I feel like supports in Dota have a lot of control over setting up big plays and managing the team on the fly. More-over, its about picking the right supports that synergize with either the teamfight or your lane. Personally love Crystal Maiden, Venomancer, Tidehunter, Rubick and Ogre Magi.
*Votes Support thinking it'd be low* *Support has the most votes*
Edited by Snowy: 3/7/2014 1:09:25 AMWhen did b.net get so many dota 2 players? I like playing number 2, 3 or 4.
With the randoms I play with, I'm everything.
I like jakiro supp and veno we gotta play again soon
I love pugna
Edited by A Metroid: 3/6/2014 3:47:21 PMSupport or Jungle Favorite characters LoL- Kha'Zix DOTA 2- Shadow Fiend
Fill is best role.