My friend offered to order me a mouse pad, only if I was able to find a decent picture to use for it. After spending about two or so hours on the internet, I discovered a lovely image of my favourite actor. What interesting decorations do you all own?
Nick Cage is soon gonna take over the world, mark my words.
I'd use a picture of George Clooney
I wish I had a mouse pad. :(
I really was expecting something Sangheili related. I am sorely disappointed
I don't use a mouse pad.
This is my mouse pad.
You've caged my heart, Vien.
I'd buy that for a dollar!
I don't need a mousepad and I never really bothered using one. Oh and here is an [i]interesting decoration.[/i] \m/ R.I.P Audie.
[b] [/b]
This is mine