I was banned for writing the word Potato, although this might be annoying, it is not against the code of conduct. Please either un-ban my main account,"PRIMORDIAL", or change the code of conduct to include spamming. Also most extensive spamming was done on threads that were pro-potato.
Were you spamming the forums with the word, "potato" as your response? If not, it's quite possible that another form of veggitation that may have gained a sence of being could have possibly stumbled upon these forums and took offense to your post. Maybe in veggie-culture the word "potato" is seen as a derogatory word that humans use to describe spuds. In any case, it isn't wise to post threads like this in the forums and is actually pretty unnecessary. If you would like to dispute a ban it would most likely be in your best interest to take it up with the forum ninja who banned you (although I'm not sure if you can still dispute a ban around here). Anyways, have a nice day and try not to offend anymore of our spudly counterparts. Ok? [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungienet-Information-Desk/en-us/Groups/Post?id=59830012&groupId=18405] Bungie.net Information Desk[/url] |[url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungienet-Community-FAQ---22013/en-us/Groups/Post?id=59855003&groupId=18405]Bungie.net FAQ[/url]| |[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Forum/Post?id=63206239&groupId=18405] Destiny Beta FAQ[/url]|[/quote]