First I want to clear up that I own an xbox/halo and really enjoy the halo games. Now why are all of these xbox/halo fanboys complaining all over the internet that destiny is a halo rip off and that bungie needs to be more original. Did I miss something? Destiny is coming out for both consoles and for some reason xbox fans don't like that. "Oh my gosh ps3 and ps4 get early beta access even though in the end we all get the beta. We get awesome exclusive games like titan fall, halo and early acess to call of duty dlc yet bungie is betraying us by letting ps get extra destiny dlc that will most likely become available to us if not a bit later."-xbox fan boy. Bungie is just trying to include their new fanbase and we had and still have halo to enjoy. You would think that since both consoles get the game the arguing would stop but if anything its just made the fighting grow. Can someone explain this bitterness xbox fans are feeling to sony and bungie right now?
No no no. We. The Xbox community are really happy that play station can finally play a bungie game but what leaves a bad taste in our mouths at the beginning (because most of the Xbox community finally got over with) was that play station got early beta acces