"My math is science." or "My science is math.". Math is a requirement to all sciences, but math is a science. Or is my science science?
A. "My science is science." B. "My math is science." C. "My science is math." A, B, or C?
D: Your Scientific Mathmatics are calculating Scientifical Mathmatical Algorithms that do not compute in a standard US deviation of Scientifical Mathmatics or the elementary root field of study such as Scientifical Science or Mathmatical Mathmatics's parameters for capable knowledge input of Scientific or Mathmatic variations in core study for Scientifical Mathmatics or Mathmatical Science
I lit a shirt on fire two and a half hours ago. Now I have a headache. F[b]u[/b]ck you, Asdfgh.
Its because you forgot the potassium
I don't need a banana. And if I put potassium in my mouth, I'm pretty sure it would kill me.
This works 100%, put pure potassium in water balloon, fill with water, chuck at nearest person. Want even more fun? Do it with frenchium