Seriously, how can people think other gemstones are better? What's your favorite gemstone?
A lot of people say that Sapphire is a good group to be in, but I think that's just bullshit. If you just go with Sapphire, then you're missing out on quite a few things. I know that a lot of people think about how Sapphire resonates with things like Flood, but think about it. If you just like Sapphire, can you really enjoy porches? I mean look at the big representatives of Sapphire, they don't seem to have any real concern for porches, unlike the people who don't support Sapphire. Sure, I guess Sapphire can be pretty entertaining; but once you realize that it isn't really that much different from just being a Flood, you should really take the time to get away from Sapphire and start enjoying things like porches.