I think you nerds might appreciate it.
Why is Zelda in the woods
Tfw I already saw this on the Internet
This was on reddit
I totally read that as farted. And I know I'm not the only one
Zelda is a pretty cool guy; he swing sword and doesn't afraid of ganandorf.
Read that as "My sister sharted all over me" Ultimate disappointment
This seams like something I would post
I expected something extremely dirty outta this...
Can I... can I art all over you too?
Is your sister single?
OP's aunt did art.
Hi, Reddit.
[quote]My sister [b]F[/b]arted all over me.[/quote] fix'd xD
Cool, i like the way she made the chibi Zelda with his green hat [spoiler]and in that moment, you could hear the sound of all the rustled jimmies[/spoiler]
My rating of this is proportional to the hotness (and age) of your sister.
fruit magoot
Oh I remember that Too bad I lost the disc *Single tear slides down cheek
Chibi Link is adorable
It has a lot of dark green. I like green.
oh bby
Why is Zelda green