I had a particularly distressing nightmare last night. I was in this house/mansion (which has been the setting for a few nightmares before) with other students and teachers from my college. It was normal enough until this "ceremony" started, which meant most of the others had left the mansion and only a few other students and teachers were left. I went exploring around the house and walked into this bedroom. I seemed to have a vague memory of this room; I turned around and looked at the wall behind me, which was covered in photographs of me as a child. Then, a disembodied voice said "I've been sleeping in your room."
I ran out of the room and through the house when I came across my friend Luke. I went to show him the room, but we got separated along the way. I immediately became terrified of being lost. I ran through the rooms of the mansion looking for my friend, I had this really disturbing feeling that there was something [i]wrong[/i] with the place. I found him again, and tried to take him back to the room but I got the feeling there was something wrong with [i]him[/i]. We got separated again, and I came across three other people I know. I was absolutely certain something was wrong with them; like they were possessed by something - although nothing religious.
[u]So, I woke up at this point[/u]. But I could still "see" what was happening. It was weird. It wasn't sleep paralysis, because I could move and it wasn't a hallucination because I couldn't actually "see" it, it was just in my head. But I ran down the stairs and found the front door. I saw the outlines of these floating, cloaked figures outside the door (almost like Grim Reapers). Regardless, I opened the door and ran outside and one of these cloaked skeleton figures flew right up to my face and breathed a sort of black cloud over me. That's all I remember.
Can anyone offer any insight?
[spoiler]It isn't the first time I've "seen" a nightmare while being awake. [/spoiler]
[i]TL;DR: I had a nightmare that was normal enough until I started experiencing some intense paranoia, like something was after me. I found a room with pictures of me all over the wall, and came under the impression that my friends had been possessed by something. At this point I [u]woke up[/u], but could still "see" the nightmare, at least in my head. I ran outside and effectively was killed by a Grim Reaper-esque figure.[/i]
It's probably dream bleedthrough, where your brain is still dreaming slightly while awake. I get it now and then, where the nightmare is in the real world before I snap out of it.