originally posted in:Xbox One
Was a busy Holidays for some of us, but now a full month into the new year and an open schedule for February we are making a goal for the month.
Plan is to schedule play sessions to play together on some of the Xbox One games almost daily. All game suggestions are welcome. Plan is to also stream gameplay when possible. This will be a great way to get to know people and start being a true in game community before the Beta or final game of Destiny hits later this year.
Everything starts small but I want to be able to jump into the world of Destiny and have some great momentum at our back. So the month of February will be a starting point.
So we will start with [b]Battlefield 4[/b] this weekend.
Saturday and Sunday at 12 Noon ET* for 3-4 hours probably.
Start discussions here, or message me to Join on Xbox Live GT: Talaviir
[i]*Will be experimenting with different times but with the Super Bowl Sunday, we are doing earlier this weekend. [/i]
Hey we started playing bF4 tonight and will be doing this pretty late! I sent a lot of you messages on Xbox, but just curious if most people prefer messages directly on Xbox or direct messages here on Bnet, I know with both apps, I would get a push notification either way, but wondering what most people's preferences would be.
Just a quick update here but we are playing a little Ghost tonight for the first time. Probably a mix of Forza and BF4 tomorrow.
Thanks everyone for joining in today, had a full squad in battlefield 4 most of the full 4 hours today. Will be adding Forza 5 and Ghosts into the mix this week. Hope to be able to play with most of you. (And Titanfall Beta is soon!) Also quickly reply here if your were someone who joined in, I'll follow your Bungie.net account. Really fun times!
Hell yes I'm down, I usually play 10-2 central time, in the morning on bf4 nightly!
Anyone wanna add me?
I'm trying to have a full week schedule but still a few things to figure out, but for today we'll be playing BF4 for just an hour tonight by 7:30 ET and then onto Forza 5 at 8:30. Anyone who has expressed interest and has shared their gamertag I will message when the respective games start!
If there is a Forza 5 or Assassins Creed: Black Flag I'd love to be invited (specially to show off my title in black flag 'The Achiever' ) GT: Expert Vocalist
I'd be up for some battlefield tomorrow GT mccluvinn
I'm down to play some battlefield 4 on X1 my gamer tag is: Dark Master2372
Played Battlefield 4 for a full 5 hours today, time really flew by after a few people from the Destiny Community joined in. Shout outs to the Destiny Community Hub, Destiny Dispatch and everyone else!