Many of you will be familiar with Batman: The Animated Series. The show is a favorite of mine, and I always loved the introductory sequence and main theme, seen here:
Recently, I came across the little gem seen above, the [b]Italian[/b] version. As you can see, it's rather upbeat and frankly hilarious.
For added fun, here's the Arabic version:
Gundam Seed called.
This is the bump this post needs, but not the bump it deserves.
The music itself sounds similar to the 90's Spiderman TV show intro, at least at certain points.
Sounds oddly similar to asian anime openings.
When Rome is ashes, you have my permission to die.
Corre, Corre Batman!
I'm pretty sure that I heard "Defender of Liberty" somewhere in the song, this theme could not be more different from the overall tone of the show.
I liked the Arabic version more than the Italian version.
They make him sound like a sexy 70's action hero.
Both the Italian and American version is bad. The Greek Batman was the best. In Greek batman, he is a real man (hairy chest, big voice, drinks much, and eats large food). The American Batman is a pussy next to Greek batman. Greek batman has nice lady maids instead of an old crusty butler.
I still can't stop laughing at it.